
Game of thrones S8 Ep2

A review and some thoughts on episode two of Game of Thrones' final season

If the first episode of the season dealt in anticipation, episode two does the same with emotion. Specifically, it revels in mental states rarely if ever seen before in specific characters.


The results range from fun and joy, to awkward and unsettling. Jamie shows us true kindness for what seems like the first time. In turn, Brienne shows true joy. On the flip side, Arya exhibits a different emotion than what was ever expected of her. The result is a bit unnerving as a viewer, but not necessarily for the character. Daenerys on the other hand provides a range of emotions throughout the episode, from empathy, to disdain, to uncertainty.

What a good feeling, I’m sure that will last.

The new sensations shown by other characters also seem to fulfill some emotional arcs, giving us closure before what is sure to be an episode of finales. Davos is in a particularly touching scene with a young girl who unintentionally brings back some painful memories, Sam and Jorah share a nice moment that feels like it could be their last together, and Jon does not disappoint in a much anticipated scene with Daenerys. Up until now, her stated goal has always been to put a Targaryen back on the iron throne. Now we will see if she plans to honor that, or her intention is really to just seize power for herself.

“Wish I would’ve known that a couple episodes ago, John.”

The season is only six episodes long. This one mainly serves as an establishing point for the next episode, telling us exactly where each character will be during the upcoming battle. Now that a third of the season is already gone, used up on bringing characters together, thick skin will be needed from here on out. The next few episodes will assuredly be used to tear some of them apart.

As for this episode’s awards, Bran easily takes most badass moment for his line that was seven seasons in the making, “The things we do for love.”

You can’t tell me these two didn’t talk about some stuff

The biggest question this episode was going to be a rollover from the last. I still want to know what Bran meant by “almost” regarding his becoming a man. After watching the episode a second time, now I want to know what Bran told Tyrion, and whether that has anything to do with Tyrion’s comment “I think we might live.” We’ll see soon enough. Post your thoughts in the comments below.